Vintage Pixie Press publishes queer fiction. We aim to write what brings us joy, crossing genres and archetypes to share that delight with our readers. We write and publish our own projects as well as offer editing, beta reading, and virtual assistant services to other indie authors.

Who We Are

Vintage Pixie Press was established in 2022 by two best friends who also happen to be former coworkers at their local independent bookstore. After meeting over a beer at a children’s story hour, Jenny and Faith discovered a shared passion for books and the people who make them and thus VPP was born.

Jenny is happiest when someone else is doing the laundry. A Jill of many trades, she writes, edits, gardens, cooks, and bakes sourdough love. She lives in Raleigh with her family and spends more time with Faith than with her own partner. Her hair changes quite often, but then life is boring without some color.

Faith is a reformed academic with a real weakness for a good project. She holds a MA in European History with a focus on Khrushchev-era Soviet culture. What this means in her every-day life is that she love love loves to research and needed a place to do that. When she’s not working with authors or writing her own stuff, she can be found chasing her kids, reading through her mountain of a TBR, or most likely napping.

At Vintage Pixie Press, we believe everyone should see themselves reflected in story. While we cannot represent every identity in our own lives, we make an effort to lift up those of marginalized identities, be they race, disability, sexuality, or religion. As a part of this effort we dedicate a portion of our working hours to reading for recommendation and to activism in our local community.